What’s in the Workbook, How do I use it with my young person?
This interactive workbook will set your young person on the path to their own journey to light and love. Each tool has been carefully designed to give your young person practice in developing these life skills. Not sure how to begin the conversation? We’ve got you covered. Before each tool is a “Directions Page” that will help you frame “Why” the tool is essential and then tips to get your started.
The tools in this book are not sequential, so start where it makes sense for you and your young person. Try not to overwhelm them, start with one for about a week and then slowly implement the others as needed. To get the most effective results from the book modeling is essential. Yes, that means you are encouraged to implement the tools too! Depending on usage and need, this workbook can last anywhere between 2-6 months.
It is my hope that by developing these tools with your child you can strengthen the social/emotional health in your family. Healthy communication, effective stress reduction, and physical wellness are at the heart of this workbook.
Get started on your journey to light and love today!
Can I use this workbook in my classroom?
Absolutely! There are many ways these social/emotional wellness tools can be incorporated into your classroom. Here are a few examples.
Mirror Work: can be used to start the day off with positive affirmations. Think of a morning circle where everyone starts the day sharing a kind word about themselves.
Create Order: “Teamwork makes the Dreamwork!” Creating a chore chart for each student to help keep the classroom clean and organized is a great way to practice cleanliness and organization. Believe it or not, young people like the idea of being responsible for something. It gives them a sense of purpose, even if it’s just straightening up the class library after silent reading time. This is a great way to share the responsibility of keeping the classroom a welcoming place. When you welcome, you feel good on the inside and you’re more inclined to keep the space clean.
How about us?
Of Course!
When young people come to you in an emotional state, practicing mindfulness or using one of the body scan scripts are a great way to prepare them for “Talking it Out” or “Writing it Out”. The ways to use this are endless. You can run both individual sessions or group sessions with these tools. When you implement these tools with consistency young people naturally begin using them while in the classroom or at home.
Before jumping into the work, it’s important for your young person to identify where they feel the “dark place.” It is crucial to their journey, that they can identify the physical symptoms associated with their emotions.
Once they start to recognize their physical triggers, they will be able to turn to the workbook when needed. And that’s the entire point!